Psalm 57 – Seeing God’s Glory

by | May 10, 2020


God, be exalted above the heavens; let your glory be over the whole earth.

Over the last couple of months, we have been consumed and inundated by news of a virus  spreading over the world.  We have been flooded by the news and media outlets telling us to fear the powerful results and spread of this virus.  What would our lives look like if we focused on God instead and saw life through the eyes of someone who realized God could overcome any situation (whether seen or unseen)?  The psalmist encountered life-threatening crises throughout his life, yet, chose to focus on the greatness of God instead of dwelling on his safety, well-being, or his adversary.

David understood that in times of trouble, the true source of comfort comes from realizing and acknowledging that everything on earth must submit to God.  We can’t control what happens to us in this world, but we can trust in the one who is in control of everything.  The welfare of the universe depends on God.  We believe that God is true, just, and good and is worthy of our confidence and love.  Are you convinced that God should be exalted above the heavens? Let’s pray and ask God to fill his glory throughout the earth, and in the process, draw many to a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.  This is Good News and we should focus each day on trusting, believing, and praying for God’s glory to be revealed throughout the earth.

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