“Pursue the well-being of the city I have sent you to. Pray to the Lord on its behalf, for when it thrives, you will thrive.” (Jeremiah 29:7)
While the Jews were in exile waiting to go home to Israel, their mission was to pursue the well-being of the city they lived in, as ambassadors of God. While we’re waiting to go home to heaven, we’ve got the same mission. That’s why I’m so stoked to see how God is using our church to be a blessing to our city.
This past Saturday, 17 Harbor folks spent hours in the hot sun delivering curbside aloha to our Kakaako neighbors. Flyers had been posted in low-income and workforce housing towers in the neighborhood, and we gave out overstuffed grocery bags with fresh bread, produce, meat, and eggs from local growers to 300+ families.
We heard many people say what a huge help this was, including one woman who told us she had lost her hotel job, hadn’t received any stimulus or unemployment assistance yet, and was wondering how she would feed her family. She said this was the first nice thing anyone has done for her in a long time. What an incredible joy to be a conduit of God’s blessing.
Many mahalo’s for your generous donations to the Compassion Fund which made this possible, and to the volunteers who took a risk and sacrificed time, energy, and sweat to pull it off!
Our church will be blessing even more folks this Saturday through our monthly Kakaako Kakou breakfast. We’ll be giving away to-go breakfast bentos and canned food to our homeless neighbors. Please be praying for our continued relationships with many of these folks who have become part of the Harbor ohana.