Psalm 38 – God Won’t Abandon You
LORD, do not abandon me; my God, do not be far from me. (Psalms 38:21)
You ever cry out to God? You ever feel like the psalmist does in Psalm 38 when he prays, “Lord, do not abandon me?” Sometimes the things in life coupled with our own doubts about God’s goodness and care for us can cause us to wonder if God has left us. If God has stopped caring for us. But here’s the good news he actually promised to never leave you nor forsake you.
Psalm 34:18 actually says that “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted; he saves those crushed in spirit.” In other words, if you are struggling you can trust that God did not abandon you. He has not forgotten about you. The clearest example of this is in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus cared so much about God’s glory and seeing you be forgiven of your sins that he laid his life down for you. If God did not spare Jesus but offered him up for all of us then what makes us think he will abandon us now? He will not. He has not.