Psalm 26 – Jesus Is Your Safety
Lord, I love the house where you dwell, the place where your glory resides. (Psalms 26:8)
David was on the run. His enemies had falsely accused him, and so he had to flee for his life. This is why David’s prayer isn’t an arrogant one. His prayer reveals the pain caused by injustice, and the cry of every image bearer of God who experiences it. And in his suffering, while he was most likely on the run, David reminisced and prayed, “Lord, I love the house where you dwell, the place where your glory resides.”
The house of God was David’s safe place and it’s yours too. Now here’s the history and life altering truth: because of Jesus Christ’s perfect life, substitutional death, and victorious resurrection, achieved for you, the house of God is now closer than ever. Paul understood this gift of the gospel, when he explained “Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you” (1 Corinthians 6:19). This means you now have 24/7 access to God. In Christ, you’ve become a house of God (abode), where his Spirit dwells. Because of Christ, you now have inseparable fellowship with God! So even if you’re fleeing for your life, you don’t have to reminisce like David, but to your advantage you can say in real time, “Lord, I love the house where you dwell, the place where your glory resides.” Jesus said “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Your deepest and lasting peace is in Jesus Christ who’s always with you.