Psalm 21 – God Is Our Satisfaction

by | April 4, 2020


O LORD, in your strength the king rejoices, and in your salvation how greatly he exults! (Psalm 21:1)

What makes you feel secure? Is it your job? Is it your accomplishments? Is it your bank account? Is it your spouse or your children? Many times we put our security and hope in things other than God to give us happiness, joy, and a sense of worth. But as you know all of those things can quickly become disappointing. If your job is your security what happens when you lose your job? What happens when you don’t accomplish as much you would like? What happens when the bank account hits zero? What happens when your relationships turn sour? God wants you to put your hope in the only thing that can satisfy you, and the only place that you can find ultimate security is in God himself. 

In Psalm 21 the king, David, who had prestige, wealth, and accomplishments rejoiced not in his own strength. He does not rejoice in his abilities. He rejoices in the strength of the Lord. He recognizes that his strength pails in comparison to God’s, and not only that but God is the one who saves. Saves from what? God saves us from our sins. When it comes to our eternal security nothing in this world has the power to save us. If God can save you from sin, then it is God and only God that you should put your trust in. No amount of money, no job, and no earthly relationship can give you true lasting security. 


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