Ways to Stay Connected
Ways to Stay Connected
Harbor Fam,
We want to keep all the different members of our church connected and engaged during these trying times, so we’ve planned new online connection points.
Keiki Story Time
Grab your preschool-to-elementary age kids and sit down for Keiki Story Time, Thursday at 12pm on Facebook Live and Instagram Live with some of our keiki leaders.
Youth Group
Have your teenagers log on to Zoom for youth group, Thursday at 7pm using their web browser or the Zoom app. It will be a time of fun, fellowship, and learning, with breakout sessions for middle and high schoolers. Email Christian to get the Zoom link.
Ask Pastor Matt
Anyone is invited to join me live online for Ask Pastor Matt, Friday at 12pm on Facebook Live and Instagram Live. Ask me any question about church, the Bible, theology, or life in this upside-down world. I can’t promise I’ll know the answer on the spot, but I promise to find it for you.
Free Dwell App
The Harbor staff has been using the Dwell app for months, and we love it. Now they’re generously offering the app free for 2 months for the Harbor family. Redeem all your newfound free time by listening to professionally-produced audio from the Bible, with epic soundtracks and curated playlists. You can enhance your daily Psalms reading by listening as well. Go here to get your free subscription.
Compassion Fund
We are already hearing from people in the church who have lost their jobs and fear losing their homes even with recent legislation and the coming stimulus checks. We want to be an Acts 2:42-47 church, and provide for each other as any has needs. If you have a stable paycheck, would you consider giving to the Compassion Fund to help those who won’t? My family has already decided to give a big chunk of whatever stimulus check we receive to the compassion fund. Would you consider doing the same?
Here’s a message we received from a covenant member last weekend who had the same idea: “We were talking as a family last night and were highlighting how grateful we are to be in the military. During this time of uncertainty, we have a reliable paycheck. We recognize that’s not the case for all. I know there have been emails about the compassion fund, and I wonder if a united effort from our church toward that purpose could be provoked. Wouldn’t it be neat for those with reliable incomes to use that blessing to pool resources for those in limbo right now? We are the body of Christ and have a cool opportunity to show that tangibly.”
I couldn’t say it any better myself. To give to the Compassion Fund just go here, select Honolulu campus, then select Compassion Fund. Mahalo!
We’re all in this together, so if you need anything, please email or call us 24/7. We have teams ready to respond at any time to practical or spiritual needs.
Much love,