Join us tomorrow morning!

Join us tomorrow morning!

by Mar 14, 2020

Join us tomorrow morning!

by Mar 14, 2020

Harbor fam,

I’m stoked to hear about the different folks gathering together in homes across town tomorrow to worship along with our livestream. We’re celebrating God’s goodness in spite of the virus, so post photos/videos of your watch-party and tag them @harborhonolulu .

The livestream will go live at 10am at

As one way of staying connected, we’re challenging the whole church to read through the Psalms together while we’re separated. We’ll read one Psalm a day starting tomorrow with Psalm 1, and we’ll post daily encouragements based on that Psalm on our blog.

The best way to keep up with all this is with the Harbor App. Along with daily posts we have a place to submit prayer requests to our prayer team. They can’t wait to pray for you. We also have our weekly worship songs and past sermons posted. All this is in one easy place, so get the app now if you don’t already have it!

DOWNLOAD APP:     iOS    Android

When David was facing a crisis much worse than ours, he sang, “Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the person who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8). Let’s take refuge in God so we can sing with happiness tomorrow.

Much love,