5. Get Your Prayers Outside Your Head (Seven Steps for Better Prayer)

5. Get Your Prayers Outside Your Head (Seven Steps for Better Prayer)

by Jun 28, 2018

5. Get Your Prayers Outside Your Head (Seven Steps for Better Prayer)

by Jun 28, 2018

We’ve been learning from Paul’s example of prayer in 1 Thessalonians. And the only reason we have that prayer is because Paul took the time to get his prayers outside his head. He didn’t just pray his prayers silently by himself.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t pray for very long just silently in my own mind. At the minimum, I need to whisper. At least move my lips a little. Some people need to fully verbalize their prayers. They pray out loud, all the time.

If that’s too weird in your house or apartment, with your roommates or your family around, here’s what you can do: take a prayer walk. Just walk around your neighborhood and talk to God. Spiritual exercise and physical exercise. Just put some earbuds in, so people think you’re talking on your phone. When you pray out loud, it forces you to put your thoughts in order. It keeps your mind from wandering too far.

Another great way to get your prayers outside your head is to keep a journal of the things you’re praying about. Write out your prayers. Even word-for-word. That’s what Paul did in his letter to the Thessalonians, because that’s what he did all the time. We have his prayers written out all over the New Testament.

Paul didn’t just say to people, “Hey, I’m praying for you.” He wrote down exactly what he was praying for them. He did that to encourage them, but also to encourage himself. Writing out your prayers can be so helpful. It forces you to slow … down … and … think …about what you’re praying.

The more you can get your prayers outside your head, the more you’ll grow in prayer.

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