God Is More Generous Than You Think

God Is More Generous Than You Think

by Apr 5, 2017

God Is More Generous Than You Think

by Apr 5, 2017

How do you feel about your prayer life?

I’ve never talked to a single person who was completely satisfied with their times alone with God. For most people, it just doesn’t happen enough. There are many reasons for our prayerlessness: busy-ness, laziness, selfishness. But I think one big reason people don’t pray is because they don’t really expect God to answer.

Maybe they tried praying for something in the past and they didn’t get it, so now they just don’t pray for much of anything. That way they won’t be disappointed. That’s the kind of attitude I’m tempted to have: if I expect nothing, then I’m always pleasantly surprised when I get anything. But that’s just a defense mechanism. It’s protecting myself from the pain of a letdown.

It’s not the kind of attitude David had when he prayed: “In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me. … For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God” (Psalm 86:7-10). When David went to God, he fully expected God to respond with great and wondrous things.

And that’s exactly what Jesus promised. He said, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:13-14). He knew we wouldn’t believe it, and that’s why he had to repeat it twice. He says, “Ask me anything, and I’ll do it for you.” We’re like, “Really? Are you sure?” And Jesus says, “Anything. I’ll do it.” And then he says the same thing four more times in the next chapter.

Because way down deep, we don’t really believe God is that generous. We think he gives stuff to us grudgingly. We think he’s muttering, “All right, if I have to…” as he fulfills our requests.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Praying in the name of Jesus is a reminder to us that God will answer us just like he would his own son.[/perfectpullquote] That’s why Jesus added those three words: In my name. “If you ask me anything in my name I will do it.” That’s not a magic phrase that brings the genie out of the bottle. It’s not some spiritual incantation that forces God to act. Praying in the name of Jesus is a reminder to us that God will answer us just like he would his own son. It’s a reminder that we don’t have to approach him by ourselves — we get to go to him in Jesus’ name. With Jesus’ authority. That’s our ticket into the throne room of God.

It’s kind of like the time I took Cyndi to dinner at Club 33 inside Disneyland. That’s the secret club above New Orleans’ Square that costs $50,000 to join, and $15,000 every year for membership. There’s a little doorbell hidden away in a back alley that has the number 33 above it. To gain access to the club, you need to ring the doorbell and speak your name.

If I just gave them my name, they would have told me to get lost. But my roommate’s dad was a member, and he made a dinner reservation for me. So when I marched up to that door and rang the doorbell (with a few tourists curiously watching me and wondering what I was doing), I gave them my name and said, “I’m a guest of Mr. Hargrave.”

Just like that … BZZZZ … the door opened. We stepped inside and we were warmly welcomed. “So nice to have you here, Mr. Dirks. We hope you have an exceptional dinner tonight.” We were escorted to the antique birdcage elevator up to the second floor. Then we were warmly greeted by name again by the Maitre’D, who quickly took us to a table overlooking the water. All because I came with the right name.

That’s what praying in Jesus’ name is like. You’re going up to the gates of God’s palace and you’re asking to see the king. And they’re waving you right through the door because you’re coming in the name of Jesus. “He’s been waiting to see you. Go ahead!”

How did you get that name? Because Jesus died on the cross to take away your sin. Because he rose from the grave to make you a new creation. Because he ascended into heaven to be your advocate, speaking the best of you every day to the Father. And because one day he’s coming back to be the king of the world.

Since you have the name of Jesus, God will listen, respond, and do wondrous things.