Daily Devotional

Read Malachi

Family Devotional

Family Devotional - Week 6


  • Philippians 2:9-11
  • John 1:29
  • Isaiah 53:6
  • Ephesians 1:7-8


  • Would you rather never be able to eat hot food or cold food ever again? Would you rather be completely alone for 5 years or constantly surrounded by people for 5 years without ever being alone? Sometimes we don’t know what’s better in a situation. But God has provided salvation for us in every situation.
  • How did God save us? Through the death of Jesus on the cross.
  • Why was the cross necessary? To cover our sin, to take our place, so that we could live with Him and enjoy Him, the cross was the only to make any of this happen. 


  • Jesus had to be holy, righteous, and perfect in order to: rescue us
  • Jesus’ perfection: covers our sin
  • He rescued us by: dying on the cross
  • But three days later: he rose from the grave
  • He came back to life because: God’s love is better and bigger than sin