Why is Christmas on December 25?
Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Christmas on December 25? Maybe you just assumed that’s when Jesus’ birthday actually was. But the Bible doesn’t mention the day of Christ’s birth. It doesn’t even tell us what season it was.
So when early Christians decided they wanted to celebrate the birth of Christ, they just had to pick a date out of the air and go with it. They chose December 25, and they had a good reason for that. In the northern hemisphere, the shortest day of the year was just a day or two earlier — the winter solstice. This year winter solstice was yesterday, December 22nd.
If you surf, yesterday you had to paddle back in earlier than you did all year. If you hike, you had to make it back down the mountain earlier than you did all year. Lucky you live Hawaii, because sunset was at 5:55pm. Not bad. In Stockholm the sun set yesterday at 2:45pm, and it didn’t come up again this morning until almost 9:00am!
Many people in the world spent more than 18 hours without the sun last night. It was the longest and darkest night of the year. In fact, ancient Europeans would say that after the winter solstice the sunlight was reborn. The light was born out of the darkness on December 25.
So the early Christians thought, “What a great symbol for Jesus!” Scripture says that Jesus is the light of the world, so wouldn’t it make sense to celebrate his birthday on the day when the sunlight is born every year? As John 1 says, “In [Christ] was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
While our modern Christmas celebrations tend to be saccharine sweet, the Bible doesn’t sugarcoat the fact that there’s darkness in the world. Wars, conflict, disease, and sin. But the light of Jesus has overcome them all!
Because there’s so much that the light of Jesus brings:
- The light of Jesus brings us God’s presence, like the light came into the world before God even created the sun, moon, or stars. God wants to be with us.
- The light of Jesus brings us God’s protection, just like the pillar of fire protected the Israelite slaves escaping from Egypt. God wants to bless us.
- The light of Jesus brings us God’s glory, like the blazing light of God that shone inside the tabernacle where the Israelites worshiped. God wants to amaze us.
- The light of Jesus brings us God’s guidance, like the brilliant star guided the wise men to come worship Jesus. God wants to lead us.
The whole Bible is the story of God’s light coming into our lives. He wants to get rid of the darkness through his presence, and protection, and glory, and guidance. And he did all of that when he sent Jesus.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” That’s what we’re celebrating this Christmas. The gift of life that comes only through the light of Jesus Christ.