Key Verse:

 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteous- ness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Key Themes:

  • God needs nothing.
  • All good gifts come from God.
  • God’s children are dependent on Him.
  • God is generous; He delights in taking care of the needs of His children.
  • When Christians bring their needs to God, it should be with hearts of gratitude and faith.

 Lesson Summary:

God doesn’t need anything! Not only that, but God gives us everything we have (Acts 17:24-25). Everything in the world belongs to God. But we were born with nothing, dependent on someone else to take care of us.

We are completely dependent on God every day. Without God, we would all die. When Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread,” He was telling us to recognize that we need God.

God cares for His creation – He feeds the birds and clothes the flowers. If God cares for birds and flowers, how much more will he care for His children!


Read: Psalm 104:10-35


  1. What does this psalm say about God’s provision?
  2. How does this psalm show the abundance of God’s creation and the abundance of His provision for His creation? What words or phrases show you the extent of God’s provision (how well God provides for His creation)?
  3. What do verses 27-29 say about the dependency of all creatures on God?
  4. What does verse 30 say about the continuing creation of God?
  5. What do you think would happen if God were to remove Himself from His creation? What does this psalm and your observation of life around you show you about God’s involvement in his creation?
  6. What is the psalmist’s reaction to his observation of the greatness of God in creation and God’s grace to provide for His creation?

 Pray: Use this psalm to help you thank God for His provision.