Student Ministry Update

God is working among our middle and high schoolers. Our student ministry has been around for a little over 3 years, and we’re stoked to see how disciples are being made and matured. The group began meeting on Sunday mornings during our second service, studying through different books of the Bible together. As the group grew, they decided to begin meeting every other Friday night as well. They recently started going through a study together called “Your Word Is Truth.” It is a 40-week study on seeing all of life through what the Bible teaches. The goal is that our students will see that God’s Word is true, and begin to see all of life based on the truth of the Bible. In the process of rolling out this new study, our leaders have changed the format of the ministry a bit. They’ve formed smaller, age/gender groups that allow our students to discuss the material with their peers. I had an opportunity to talk to two of our students recently about what they loved in student ministry, and what God is teaching them. One student said he loved the smaller groups because he got to hear what people believe about God and the Bible who usually don’t get a chance to share. He loves that they are getting to know each other better. Another student shared about how God is teaching her that she can have peace in all situations because of what Jesus did on the cross for her.
God really is doing some amazing things in the lives of the students at our church. Please pray for them! Pray for the leaders who are discipling them. Pray for the students as they are missionaries at their schools. Pray as they sometimes feel alone because there aren’t any other believers at their school. Please pray that they would continue to grow to love Jesus and give their lives to Him.