Praying for God’s kingdom to come is praying for the ways of God to be known, believed, and practiced.
We pray for God’s kingdom when we ask God to send forth His Word in power for the conversion of sinners and the strengthening of believers.
We pray for God’s kingdom when we ask God to increase our faith and grant us a passion for holiness.
We pray for God’s kingdom when we weep in prayer over the broken, asking for them to seek comfort in Him.
We pray for God’s kingdom when we pray against the wicked advance of pagan godlessness in our culture.
We are certainly praying in God’s will, therefore, when we ask God to bring our children up to a mature faith, to strengthen mothers and fathers for their duties, to grant wisdom and grace to the elders and deacons in their leadership, and when we ask God to bind out church together in a holy bond of truth and love through Jesus Christ.
Aren’t these the truly important things? Of them, Jesus said, “Ask, and you will receive.”
–Rick Phillips