Key Verses:
“I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.” (Psalm 40:8)
Key Themes:
- Along with the rest of creation, Christians should long for the return of Jesus.
- If we love the world instead of the kingdom of God, we will not long for Jesus’ return.
- Praying that “God’s kingdom would come” is a commitment to being part of God’s work of building His kingdom in this world.
- “Your will be done” reflects a heart attitude that wants to submit willingly to what God ordains. Submission to the will of God is an evidence that a person is a Christian.
Lesson Summary:
Romans 8:19-25 speaks about a longing that creation has and that every child of God should have–the longing that Jesus returns. This world is very unsatisfying to the Christian who is longing for heaven. However, sometimes we do not long for Jesus to return because we love this world too much. A love for the world interferes with the longing for Jesus’ return.
Jesus tells us in the Lord’s Prayer that we should treasure God’s kingdom. We should pray that God’s kingdom–God’s rule–would come on earth like it is in heaven. What does “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” mean? It means that God would rule completely and perfectly on earth just like He does in heaven. When we pray, “Your kingdom come” with a sincere heart, we are treasuring God’s kingdom more than we are treasuring anything on earth.
How do you suppose we would live our lives differently if we prayed sincerely every day, “Your kingdom come” through me?
Family Devotional
Read: Psalm 90
- What is Moses’ view of God?
- How does Moses contrast man’s life with God? (God is eternal; man is very temporary) What phrases does he use to show how temporary our lives are?
- What does “teach us to number our days” mean?
- What does Moses show as the worthwhile things in our short lives? What does Moses request of God?
- What does this psalm teach about how we should spend our lives? What does this have to do with why we should pray, “Your kingdom come”?
- What are you doing now that has eternal value? What are you praying for that has eternal value?
Pray: Ask Jesus to help you pray sincerely “Your kingdom come” and to live it out in your daily lives this week.