You're a 3-watt nightlight shining like a nuclear reactor.

by Aug 14, 2015

You're a 3-watt nightlight shining like a nuclear reactor.

by Aug 14, 2015

God is supremely glorious. If there’s one thing clear from Scripture, that’s it. But what’s amazing to me is how he chooses to display his glory. David says it this way:

O Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
Out of the mouth of babies and infants,
you have established strength because of your foes,
to still the enemy and the avenger. (Psalm 8:1-2)

What a contrast. In verse 1 is this glorious and majestic God who created galaxies! This self-existent, never-changing, always-working, sovereign God. And then in verse 2, babies. And it’s in these babies that the glorious majestic God has displayed his greatest glory: “Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength.”

When Charles Spurgeon first read this verse he said, “I would have written ‘Out of the mouth of strong men in the prime of life God has ordained strength. Or out of the mouth of wise old men who have gray hairs upon their head, and long experience God has ordained strength.”

But David says that God displays his glory through the mouths of babies. Weak, helpless, illiterate, fussy, whiny, insignificant babies. In fact, he “stills the enemy and avenger” through these babies.

God could have sent an army of a million angels to take down our enemy Satan. That would have been the glorious and majestic thing to do, right? It would make for a great movie. But God said, “No, I have another plan. I think I’ll send … babies.” Imagine how raging mad Satan must be about that. Furious! He wants to scrap with Michael and Gabriel, the archangels, but instead God is using babies to overthrow him.

OK, so maybe not a literal army of toddlers and preschoolers. David continues:

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm 8:3-4)

This tells you exactly which babies David has in mind: us! Compared to God, we’re weak, helpless, illiterate, fussy, whiny, insignificant babies. God is infinitely glorious and majestic. He creates stars with his fingers. It doesn’t even take his whole hand! He just barely moves a muscle and — bloop! There’s a galaxy. Bloop! There’s another galaxy.

What is man compared to all that? We’re tiny even compared to one star. Compared to billions of stars? We’re microscopic! Compared to the one who created billions of stars, with his little pinky finger? We’re nothing.

And still, God is mindful of us. He cares for us. And that’s how he demonstrates his glory. Through weak, insignificant, nothings like us. As David says:

You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor. (Psalm 8:5)

Our God doesn’t need armies of angels to display his glory. He doesn’t need smoke machines and laser light shows to display his glory. He doesn’t need celebrities, movie stars, politicians. He doesn’t need sports stars with $300 million dollar contracts. He’s decided to use you to display his glory! He crowned you with glory and honor. You’re like a 3-watt nightlight shining with the brilliance of a nuclear reactor.

Which means you don’t need to worry about finding your own glory. You don’t need to worry about getting more Instagram likes or Pinterest Re-Pins. You don’t need to worry about getting compliments on your house, or car, or clothes, or haircut. You don’t need to have a perfect family with perfect kids who all smile perfectly for your perfect little Christmas card.

God is supremely glorious, and he’s shared his glory with us. So we don’t need to pursue our own glory.