What to Remember as We Come to the Bible

This past weekend at the Desiring God national conference in Minneapolis, John Piper and several other speakers taught about what it means to “look at the Book.” They unpacked what it looks like to read and study the Bible carefully and intentionally, but they also emphasized that the Bible is a book for all Christians to know, study, and love.

In a recent post on the Desiring God blog, Jonathan Parnell, who is on staff with Desiring God, wrote about three things we always need to remember as we come to the Word:

1. There is a God.

This is first and foremost. God is real and mighty and intensely personal. In fact, he is God triune. He is the everlasting Father who has eternally loved his Son in the unceasing fellowship of the Spirit.

2. God speaks through his Book.

Yes, God speaks. That is how anything that was made was made. That is how he formed a people for himself. God spoke.

3. God speaks to people like me.

There is God; there is his incomparable Book, and then there’s me. Me? This great, mighty, wondrous God who speaks great, mighty, wondrous words speaks them to me.

What a privilege we have to know God through his Word! Let’s be people of the book, because it is through the Word that we know our great and glorious God.

You can read the whole blog post here and listen to all of the messages from the conference here.

Also, don’t forget to register for the Overflow conference to hear John Piper and several others. Spots are filling up, so be sure to register soon!