Learn To Study The Bible In 8 Minutes

At the Overflow Conference next month, we’ll be feasting on God’s word together for two days. But our prayer is that this would just be a springboard for us all to dive into the riches of God’s word every day in our individual quiet times, family discussions, community groups, and churches.

Here’s a great new tool to help us do that.

Look at the Book is a new online method of teaching the Bible. It’s an ongoing series of 8–12 minute videos where the camera is on the text, not the teacher. You’ll hear John Piper’s voice and watch his pen underline, circle, make connections, and scribble notes — all to help you learn to read God’s word for yourself. His goal is to help you not only see what he sees, but where he sees it and how he found it.

Think of it like a really good workout. Spend 8-12 minutes regularly exercising your Bible-reading muscles, and you’ll see a difference!
