(Answered) Prayers from this Summer's Mission Trip

Earlier, I posted a blog about how you guys could be praying for us as we went to Asia.  I just wanted to share some ways that God has answered those prayers while they’re still fresh in my mind.  Here’s the first one.

My first prayer request was that we would effectively connect people to the local churches that we’re supporting, and that we would be able to encourage and bless the churches as well.

“Connect” is the key word for these trips– by connecting people to the church, they can grow far more than if we just showed up, preached, and left them on their own.  Praise God that he has been so faithful in drawing unbelievers to the church, even in a hostile environment.  Through outreaches and ministry opportunities, we were able to assist and encourage three churches that we have been supporting.  Our trip was packed with outreach activities and VBS’s.  One pastor said that this was the most effective mission trip from America yet, as far as the number of unbelievers hearing the Gospel and being connected to the church.  It was amazing how everyone used their gifts of encouragement, teaching, music, administration, and simple willingness to serve the kingdom.

Our team also spontaneously showed up and played music at a busy park for a few hours.  This sparked some conversations about Christ– about ten people had Gospel conversations and were connected with one of the local church’s English clubs.  One young man, after about an hour of conversation, accepted Christ.  We were able to connect him to a pastor who can connect him to a local church.

The next night, that same young man met up with Christian and I, where we followed up and answered questions about the Bible and Christianity.  I was amazed at how the Spirit was working in his heart, giving him a desire for Christ over the possessions he had idolized before.  At one point, he asked if it was wrong to ask God to help his investments.  I told him that it’s not wrong, but sometimes God allows our earthly possessions to fail– for our own good.  He took it very well, even when we talked about the cost of discipleship and persecution.  He gushed about how happy he is that he is a part of God’s family and that he knows Jesus.  As we said goodbye, one of our team members offered him their remaining currency since it was our last day there.  After he resisted, we told him that we wanted to give it to him as a gift.  He replied, “No, you have already given me the best gift!  You told me about Jesus.”


We also learned so much through the examples of the pastors there.  Not only do they persevere and love Christ passionately, but their knowledge of the word, the culture, and the Gospel is superb.  This is truly a movement that we can all get behind.

On Tuesday morning, we gathered with a group of four pastors from the area.  We all sang “God Will Make a Way” together– first in their native language, then in English.  This song never really moved me much before.  But as we sat in that small room, the lyrics finally gripped my heart:

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way

Why was it so moving?  I realized that this song, as cheesy as it may be to us Americans, speaks of the biggest hope for these struggling churches.

Police showed up at the door of one of the pastors after our team visited his church.  When he told us, he shrugged it off, because it happens all the time.  One of the young men who was serving alongside us in an event was told by his family that unless he left the event and came home, he would never be welcomed home again.  He stayed and served.  These believers are trusting for God to make a way– and he will.

God will make a way.  God will advance his kingdom.  God will protect his bride.  He will comfort and strengthen us with just enough grace for the day.  Praise God for these faithful believers who are trusting in his promises.

On our final day, we sat around a table with one of the pastors and talked about Christ and the church.  His words are quickly becoming a mantra for my own life:

“My whole goal in life is to proclaim Christ and give myself for the Gospel… it’s so discouraging when we see people come to church, believe in Christ, then just leave.  But my wife and I have to always remind each other, everyday, that serving Christ is the best thing in the world.  There truly is nothing better.