E Komo Mai – Chris & Katie Bruno

A big welcome to Chris and Katie, who are joining Harbor’s ministry team. Chris will serve as Academic Dean at Antioch School Hawaii, our theological training program for pastors, church planters, and ministry leaders across the islands. He will also serve as Minister of Training and Discipleship at Harbor.

Chris and Katie have been married since 2001. They are both graduates of Northland International University, and Chris has an M.Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in NT/Biblical Theology from Wheaton College Graduate School.They have 3 sons: Luke (age 7), Simon (3), and Elliot (1).

The call to ministry in Hawaii began for Chris during family trips to Hawaii in the mid to late 1990s. Following a couple of pastoral internships on Oahu during the summer of 1998 and 2000, he had plans to return to the islands after completing seminary. However, as God lead him toward more academic training, the call to Hawaii became less clear and delayed.

As plans took shape for the Antioch School Hawaii in the fall of 2010, it soon became clear to Chris and Katie that God was bringing them full-circle. They returned to Hawaii last week, moved into their new town home, and are now spending much time on Craigslist trying to furnish it! Welcome them when you see them.