How to See Jesus in Every Book of the Bible

Our church is 39 days into our yearlong Bible-reading challenge, and now is the time when the fatigue of reading four chapters a day starts to set in. How are you going to keep going?

Jaw-clenched discipline might be enough for some people to make it through, but there’s a better motivation: learning to see and savor the good news of the gospel in every chapter you’re reading, no matter how dry and irrelevant it might seem at first.

An excellent new aid for this is a book by Michael Williams, called How to Read the Bible Through the Jesus Lens. Here’s how Justin Taylor describes it:

Average Bible readers like me want to answer three overarching questions when they read God’s Word in reading God’s word:

  • What’s the big idea in each book?
  • How does each book point to Jesus?
  • And how does each book speak to contemporary life?

In this concise and well-written book, Michael Williams deftly guides us to the right answers. Few books do a better job of giving us an overview of Genesis to Revelation in such a compact way. This is the sort of book I’d love to have in the hands of every member of my church!

Read it now on your Kindle.