How to gain lasting victory over pornography

Brian Croft offers two seemingly-simple-but-deeply-profound suggestions:

We first find victory through the transforming power of the gospel. Regardless the kind of bondage to sin we face, only the transforming effects of repenting of our sins and trusting in the person and work of Jesus Christ can bring the lasting freedom that we seek.  A common flaw in dealing with the sinful patterns of viewing sexually explicit material is to focus solely on employing methods to stop the behavior (behavior modification) to the exclusion of addressing the root issues of the heart.  True, genuine, and lasting change in this struggle, or any struggle with sin for that matter, must begin on the inside.  The inward change will bring the lasting change in our behavior.

We must also be wholly committed to the local church if we are to find lasting victory over this struggle.  A common flaw in trying to break the cycles of pornography is thinking your one or two random accountability partners are enough.  Daily walking in victory over this struggle requires a community effort and an accountability that stretches far beyond your Christian co-worker asking you questions once a week regarding which internet sites you visited.  The victory comes as spiritual guidance, care, rebuke, and marriage counseling are given by your leaders.  The victory comes when those most committed to your spiritual maturity (other church members) pray for you and your struggle.