Submitting to All Authorities

In an astoundingly broad statement, Peter says we need to “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution.” (1 Peter 2:13). Seriously, Peter? There’s a lot of human institutions out there! We need to submit ourselves to them all?

Yes. Be subject to…

  • The President . Honor him. Respect him. Don’t demean him.
  • The Governor and the Mayor. Give them the benefit of the doubt, because they’re trying to do what’s best for a million different people.
  • The IRS. Pay your taxes, and don’t fudge the deductions. “I gave a sweater to the Salvation Army, and I think it was worth $250.”
  • Traffic laws. Drive the speed limit, and use your blinkers.
  • Copyright laws. Don’t download movies off the Internet.
  • The Department of Planning and Permitting. Get a permit for construction projects, and follow the building code.
  • Your landlord. Pay your rent on time, and respect their rules. Don’t sublease your apartment if your rental contract says you can’t.
  • Your lender. Don’t stop paying your mortgage, just because you know it’ll be a year before they can force you out of your house, so you’ll get a year of free housing.
  • Your parents. Honor them, support them, love them.
  • Your teachers. Show up for class. Participate in discussion. Do quality work.
  • Your church leaders. They will have to give an account for your soul, so let them do this with joy and not with groaning (Heb. 13:17).
  • Your boss. Get to work early, and go above and beyond your job description.

And not because you owe these people anything.

Peter says, “Be subject for the Lord’s sake.” Not for the government’s sake. Not for your boss’ sake. Not even for your conscience’s sake. For the Lord’s sake. We don’t owe our allegiance to the President, or to our parents, or to the loan company. We owe our allegiance to the Lord first, and second to the human institutions that are under the Lord.