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(Monday) 2 Timothy 2: Final Words

1. Why does Paul cites these specific aspects of CHrist that Timothy should remember (v. 8)?

2. How does this explain Paul’s own confidence even while he is imprisoned (v. 9)?

3. Paul begins with the call to Timothy to “be strong in grace.”  Why does he give that instruction rather than “be strong in your gifts,” “be strong in knowledge” or “be strong in will power”?

4. Which of the images in verses 3-7 seems most applicable to your life right now? why?

Prayer:  Ask Jesus to show you people who you an intrust the Gospel to.

Family Devotional: Read verses 3-7. What does each of the three images illustrate about the ministry of entrusting the gospel to others who can pass it on? Who are the people that passed the Gospel to you so that you can pass it to others?

(Tuesday) Hebrews 2: The Great Descent

1.  What logic does the writer use in verses 2-3 to further focus our attention on the peril of drifting away?

2. In verse 1 we read, “pay more careful attention… to,” and in verse 3 we are told not to “ignore.”  What is it that we are to focus our lives on?

3. How does the writer strengthen the warning that God’s salvation in Christ is well worth our most intense obedience (vv. 3-4)?

4. What helps you to maintain a warm, life-changing relationship with Jesus?

Prayer:  Ask God to keep you securely fastened to Jesus.

Family Devotional:  Read verses 16-18.  Why did Jesus have “to be made like his his brothers [you and me] in every way”?  Does this comfort you?  If so how?

(Wednesday) Hebrews 11: What Is True Faith?

1. Some Christians believe that faith always leads to material and physical blessing.. What does this passage tell you about the role of both blessing and suffering for the faithful?

2. Why do you think Abraham’s faith triumphed when he was asked to give up Isaac?

3. Considering the foolishness of his choices by human standards, what do you think Abraham’s emotions were like (vv. 8-10)?

4. What unseen certainties have guided you in making fundamental, life-changing decisions?

Prayer: Ask Jesus to supply you with the faith to obey and follow him.

Family Devotional:  Read verses 20-38.  How would you compare the faith of the named heroes and heroines who achieved greatness with those unnamed persons who suffered grievously?

(Thursday) Hebrews 12: Marathon Race

1.Of what value is it to keep your eyes on Jesus (vv. 2-3)?

2. What discipline of the Hebrews do you think the writer alludes to (vv. 3-4, 7; 11:35-38)?

3. Identify the writer’s specific instruction in verses 14-17.  On what principles are they based?

4. We’ve all been tempted to drop out of the race.  Why would the warning of verses 25-29 cause us to reconsider?

Prayer:  Worship Jesus because he is a consuming fire.

Family Devotional:  Read verses 18-24. What hinderances and entanglements get in the way of your Christian faith-race? Why?

(Friday) James 1: Walk the Talk

1. How are temptations different that trials (vv. 2-16)?

2. When is it hard for you to listen to God?

3. How can being quick to listen and slow to speak help us to be slow to become angry (v. 19)?

4. Think of the trials and temptations you are currently facing.  How can this passage anchorage you to depend on God?

Prayer: Ask Jesus to hep you become a better listener and doer of his Word.

Family Devotional:  Read verses 22-25.  In your own words explain how the person who merely listens to God’s Word is different from the one who puts it into practice.