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(Monday) Matthew 28

1. The angel is the first messenger of the resurrection (vv. 2-7).  What is the significance of his appearance and words?

2. Consider the mission of the women (vv. 1-9).  How does it undergo a radical change?

3. The roman guard and the Jewish leaders are confronted with a miracle.  How do they respond? Why?

4. What keeps people today from believing that Jesus is the resurrected Lord?

Family Devotional: Read verses 16-20.Describe the commission Jesus gives to the disciples and us.  How does Jesus equip them and future disciples to carry out his commission?

Prayer: Ask God to help you to be more faithful to this task

(Tuesday) John 20

1. John records three witnesses to the empty tomb: Mary Magdalene, Peter and “the other disciple” (John himself).  What important details do we learn from each one (vv. 1-9)?

2. When Jesus appears to his disciples, what specific gifts and promises does he give them (vv. 19-23)?

3. How does Thomas’s attitude–both before and after Jesus appears to him–add to credibility to the resurrection?

4. John tells us why he has written his Gospel in verses 30-31.  Of all the “miraculous signs” John has included, which have been most convincing to you? Why?

Family Devotional: Read verses 10-18.  Johan also records thee appearances of the risen Christ: to Mary, to his disciples and to Thomas.  Why do you think that Mary doesn’t immediately recognize Jesus?  After she does recognize him, what impresses you most about their encounter?

Prayer:  Praise God for what he has done in Christ.

(Wednesday) Luke 24

1. The women are a personal link between the cross and the empty tomb.  Suppose you are one of them.  How do you feel when the men respond with “Nonsense!” (vv. 1-12)?

2.  What strikes you about the stranger’s dialogue with the disciples (vv. 13-35)?

3. How can you take Jesus’ message of new hope and new joy to your community?

4. For three or so years Jesus has been preparing his disciples to carry on his world mission  he climaxed this mission training by stressing systematic, indepth Bible understanding (vv. 25-27, 32, 44-47).  In what ways can you testify to this importance?

Family Devotional: Read verses 36-53.  As a seeker inquiring about Jesus’ resurrection.  Which facts and implications help you to believe his personal reality?

Prayer: Ask God to make you a source of joy to many as you bring Jesus’ message.

(Thursday) Acts 1

1. What did Luke, the author of Acts, report to Theophilus about Jesus’s last days on earth (vv. 1-11)?

2. How did the disciples respond to all that they had seen and heard (vv.12-26)?

3. Peter goes to Scripture immediately when he speaks.  How doe these words of David affect their confidence as well as give them direction?

4. When has your faith in Jesus Christ been encouraged by the words of others?

Family Devotional: Read verses 7-8.  How would you feel if you were the first to be given the task described in verse 8?  How are we equipped for this task, according to the passage?

Prayer: Thank God for giving you a task to carry out, and tell him about the fears and joys you feel as his servant.

(Friday) Acts 2

1. What does Peter have to offer to those who are responsive to his message (vv. 37-39).

2. What is there in pEter’s sermon that would reassure Theophilus about his faith and him him “know the certainty of the things” that he’d been taught?

3. How does the Jews respond to the power of the Spirit which they witness (vv. 5-12).

4. How has your life been affected by the gift of the Holy Spirit?

Family Devotional: Read verses 42-47.  Describe the fellowship of the believers in this young church.  How does the life and purpose of your church compare to that of this group?

Prayer: Pray for your church; that it will be one like the one in 42-47.