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(Monday) Mark 8: Turning Point
1. Why do you suppose the disciples, having witnessed the feeding of the 5,000, have such a hard time believing Jesus can supply the needs of 4,000 here (8:1-13)?
2. How is Peter in verses 27-33 like the blind man in verses 22-26?
3. What does Jesus say it means to acknowledge him as the Christ and to follow him?
4. In what way do you need to “lose your life”?
Prayer Focus: Praise and thank God for his provision.
Family Devotional: Read verses 27-33. In what ways do we as a family have in mind things of men? How can we repent of those things and keep in mind things of God?
(Tuesday) Mark 9: Slow Learners
1. Jesus descends the mountain and returns to his other disciples, only to find them in hot debate with the teachers of the law over their failure to exorcise a young boy robbed of speech (vv. 14-18). Why do you suppose Jesus is so harsh in verse 19?
2. At the end of this account, Jesus again tells his disciples about his death and resurrection (vv. 30-32). Why do you suppose the disciples failed to understand what he meant?
3. What details in the account of the boy’s healing parallel those in Jesus’ prediction of his coming suffering and victory?
4. Which do you struggle with more–believing that Jesus can or that he wants to answer your prayer?
Prayer Focus: ask God to show you and help your areas of unbelief.
Family Devotional: Read Verses 2-7. What does God mean when he tells the disciples to “listen to” his Son? What does Christ want to say to us today?
(Wednesday) Luke 10: Mission Improbable
1. In verse 36 Jesus reverses the expert’s original question in verse 29. If you where the expert, what effect would this have on you?
2. How is the mission of the 72 in Luke 10:1-16 different from the mission of the Twelve in 9:1-6?
3. The conversation begins with a man who “stood up,” indicating that he had been sitting with others listening to Jesus teach. What other facts about this man can you pick up in 10:25-29?
4. Jesus’ every instruction reveals a deep sense of urgency. How do we develop an urgency for mission and evangelism?
Prayer Focus: Ask that God will give you the heart like the Good Samaritan.
Family Devotional: Read verses 30-35 and 38-41. If we are not told, how can we tell if a person is a Christian? How well do we tell people that we are Christian with out telling them and what areas still need more work?
(Thursday) Mark 10: Servant Leadership
1. In verses 13-16 we find that Jesus has used a child or children for the second time to illustrate a spiritual principle. What does it mean to receive the Kingdom like a little child?
2. What seems to motivate James and John’s request?
3. Why do you suppose Jesus asked Bartimaeus what he wanted him to do for him?
4. In what areas of your life do you most need to express more childlike faith in God?
Prayer Focus: Ask God to make you like a child
Family Devotional: Read verses 32-45. How can we better conform our lives to Jesus’ view of greatness? What may be some of the costs?
(Friday) Mark 11: Opposition Heats Up
1. In 11:27 the chief priest, the elders and the teachers of the law come asking a seemingly straightforward question about Jesus’ authority. What does Jesus’ reply and subsequent discussion reveal about their motives?
2. In what ways is the significance of jesus’ entry into Jerusalem reinforced?
3. Why is Jesus so angry with what is taking place in the temple (vv. 15-17)?
4. When is anger righteous?
Prayer Focus: Praise the King of Peace and ask that his Kingdom will fully established.
Family Devotional: Read verses 22-25. What does Jesus teach us about prayer?