Joel Stein joined a Christian improv group for a night, and came out with this impression of the alternate Christian universe. I guess we really like poop jokes.
Here is what goes through your mind during 90 minutes of Christian improv: “No, no, can’t say that, nope, maybe if … no.” In response to a game in which we had to communicate a murder scenario to one another in gibberish, our audience shouted its increasingly bland ideas with fervor: “Turtle!” “Balloon!” “IHOP!” “Bowling!” When one sinner yelled “Uranus!” our troupe member repeated it as “Urahnus.” We even had to change the classic “guy walks into a bar, and the bartender says” scenario into “guy walks into a restaurant, and the manager says.” This was one tight ahnus-ed group.
That said, Christian audiences will laugh at anything, since they are either so nice or so unaware of any entertainment other than Seventh Heaven. Puns proved to be a big hit, as was anything involving eating or pooping. My troupe mates were impressively funny within those boundaries, but after a while, I couldn’t take the comedy shackles. During a version of the game Jeopardy!, someone shouted the answer “Milk!” to which I nervously buzzed in with “What is a movie they’d never play at this church?” To my relief, this got a laugh. So when we had to make up rhyming greeting cards for imaginary events and an audience member yelled out “Going to an improv show!” I said, “Improv is scary to do/ Especially when the whole audience wants to convert you.”