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(Monday) Psalm 103: Praying our Salvation
What five actions of God are part of salvation (v. 3-5)?
What incredible statements about God does the writer make in verses 8-14?
What is the contrast between u(v. 15-16) and God (v. 17-19)?
How has God satisfied you with his goodness (v. 5)?
Prayer Focus: Thank God for the many different facets of his salvation
Family Devotional: Read verses 8-13. What does God promise to do for his children? What is one sin in your life that you need God’s forgiveness for?
(Tuesday) Psalm 104: Praying for God’s Creation
What different elements of earth’s creation show God at work (v. 2-9)? What do they reveal?
How is there an orderliness to what God has created (v. 19-26)? How does God take care of his creation (v. 27-30)?
What responses does God’s creation inspire in the writer (v. 31-35)?
How does God’s creation inspire you to respond to him?
Prayer Focus: Praise God for the glory of his creation.
Family Devotional: Read verses 24-30. How does God take care of the things he has made? How has God taken care of your family? Are there any ways you are praying for more of God’s care?
(Wednesday) Psalm 107: Praying God’s Goodness
The psalmist gives four illustrations of God’s goodness in verses 4-9, 10-16, 17-22, and 23-32. What do each of these illustrations have in common?
How does God bring both trial and relief (v. 23-32)?
What are some ways we should give thanks to God for his goodness (v. 22, 32)?
How likely are you to call out to God in the midst of your trouble? How often do you see his goodness in the middle of it?
Prayer Focus: Thank God for his goodness and unfailing love.
Family Devotional: Read verses 23-32. Why would God cause a storm to frighten his people? How does he prove his goodness? What should be our response?
(Thursday) Psalm 109: Praying our Anger
What painful experiences is the author responding to (v. 2-5)?
What does the author ask God to do to his enemies (v. 6-20, 28-29)?
What does the author want God to do for him (v. 20-26)?
How often do you express your anger to God? How does he bring healing?
Prayer Focus: What anger do you need to express today?
Family Devotional: Read verses 26-30. Are there people in your life who have hurt you? What are some things you can pray for them, like the writer prayed?
(Friday) Psalm 110: Praying with Submission
Who is the psalmist referring to as “my Lord” (v. 1, see Matthew 22:41-45)? How will that Lord rule, and over whom (v. 1-3, 5, 6)?
What is significant about the Lord swearing with a covenant oath (v. 4, Heb 6:16-18, 7:20-22)?
What is significant about this Lord sitting at the right hand of God (v. 1,5)?
The troops give their lives to the Lord (v. 3). What are you willing to give up for him right now?
Prayer Focus: What areas of your life need to be submitted to this Lord?
Family Devotional: Read verses 1-2. This psalm is talking about Jesus ruling over the earth. What things would you like him to change about the earth? Pray about those things together