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(Monday) Psalm 95: Praying for Rest

Where does the psalmist envision God ruling as Lord and King (v. 3-5)? How does this bring us peace and rest?

Meribah and Massah are places where the Israelites rebelled in the desert and tested the Lord about whether or not he was with them (v. 8-9). What happened as a result of that testing (v. 10-11)?

What is the “rest” from which the Israelites were banned, but later generations would enjoy (v. 11)?

Have you encountered seasons of life with little rest? How might God have been disciplining you, as he did the Israelites?

Prayer Focus: Ask God to help you long for his eternal rest even more than you already do

Family Devotional: Read verses 1-5. How has God displayed his power and control over the world? What is one thing happening in your life where you need him to show his power? How will this bring you rest?

(Tuesday) Psalm 96: Praying With Worship

What  incredible deeds (v. 3) would prompt a believer to sing God’s praise?

Why is the Lord entitled to praise (v. 4-6, 10, 13)?

Who is called to ascribe glory to God (v. 7-13)?

In light of this universal call to praise, what is a method, means, or style of worship that is unfamiliar or uncomfortable to you, but equally valid to your own?

Prayer Focus: Pray that an unbeliever you know would join you in praise

Family Devotional: Read verses 11-13. Why should everyone on earth be glad about God’s coming? How can you help the people you know to praise God?

(Wednesday) Psalm 99: Praying to the King

The Lord is described with seven different characteristics (the number of completion). What are they?

What verbs are used in this psalm to describe how we should respond to the king?

Look at the causes and effects. Why should God’s people worship the Lord (v. 4-8)?

Most people today approach God very casually. How does this psalm confront that attitude?

Prayer Focus: Pray for a deep understanding of God’s majesty, holiness, and sovereignty.

Family Devotional: Read verse 8. How can God be forgiving, even when he punishes us? Why does God discipline us?

(Thursday) Psalm 100: Praying our Humanity

According to this psalm, who is God and what is he like?

According to this psalm, who are we?

What things are we expected to do in response to God?

How would it change your everyday life if you understood every moment that you are God’s?

Prayer Focus: Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving for his lordship

Family Devotional: Read verses 203. The writer says that we belong to God. What does that mean? How should that affect the way we live our everyday lives?

(Friday) Psalm 102: Praying over Grief

How does the writer describe his current physical and emotional state (v. 2-11)?

The psalmist seems to have mixed feelings about God. What negative sentiments does he express (v. 8, 10, 23)? What positive perspectives (v. 12-22, 25-28)?

What is it about times of grief that might create these mixed feelings?

How do the psalmist’s descriptions compare with your own experiences of grief?

Prayer Focus: Honestly express your feelings of grief and your mixed emotions to God

Family Devotional: Read verses 8-12. When was a time when things were so difficult that it seemed like you were “eating ashes for food?” What should you remember about God? How would this help?