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(Monday) Psalm 65: Praying with Gratitude

In verse 5, God is called “our salvation, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas.” In what ways is God the hope of all the earth?

The psalmist mentions several of God’s awesome deeds in verses 6 and 7. What other awesome deeds might you add to the list?

Verse 8 offers a picture of the fears and joys common to all people of the earth. How do God’s wonders cause us to experience fear? How do his wonders call forth songs of joy?

What does God’s care for the earth (v. 9-13) imply for his care for us?

Prayer Focus: Thank God for his compassionate care

Family Devotional: Read verses 6-8. What is your favorite part of God’s creation (mountains, seas, etc.)? How does it reflect God’s power? Why should it bring us fear and joy?

(Tuesday) Psalm 66: Praying with Joy

What actions does the writer call us to (v. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 16)?

What reasons does the the writer give for his joy (v. 8-12)?

What has the Lord done for the author (v. 16-20)?

How has God tested you (v. 10)? Did this bring praise or protest to your lips?

Prayer Focus: Praise God for his gift of joy

Family Devotional: Read verses 18-19. What are some sins that are easy for us to “cherish”? Why would they keep our prayers from being heard?

(Wednesday) Psalm 67: Praying about God’s Love

What effects should God’s blessing in our lives (v. 1) have on our relationship to the world (v. 2)?

Identify the blessings the Lord wants to bring to the nations.

What does this Psalm reveal about how God regards the nations?

What would these blessings look like in your own neighborhood?

Prayer Focus: Ask God to make you a pathway for his blessing to the nations.

Family Devotional: Read verses 1-2. How does God bless your family? How can you use these blessings to make God known to the rest of the world?

(Thursday) Psalm 73: Praying our Doubt

What kind of doubts are expressed in verses 2-12? What kind of self-pity is expressed in verses 13-14?

The turning point in the psalm is the word “until” in verse 17. What realization takes place there?

The word “nevertheless” (or “yet”) in verse 23 links two contrasting statements. What are they?

The prosperity of the wicked occupies the psalmist’s mind for the first half of the psalm, then it’s the presence of the Lord. Which topic (injustice in the world or God’s sovereignty) occupies your thoughts?

Prayer Focus: Spend time experiencing God’s presence, then allow him to shape your view of the world

Family Devotional: Read verses 25-26. What are things you desire in life? Why are they nothing compared to God? What different kind of happiness does he bring from everything else in this world?

(Friday) Psalm 77: Praying our Discontent

Why does the psalmist groan at the memory of God (v. 3-9)?

How does the tone of the passage change in verses 10-15? What is the source of the change?

How do verses 16-20 emphasize God’s power?

When have you been too troubled to speak? How could this Psalm challenge and encourage you?

Prayer Focus: Ask God for contentment and satisfaction in him alone

Family Devotional: Read verses 7-12. What has the Lord done for your family? How can these memories encourage you when things seem bad?