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(Monday) Psalm 10: Praying our Helplessness

The writer asks God why he is hiding. Why does this question arise mainly during times of trouble?

How does the author describe the person who is attacking him (v. 3-11)? What is the attitude of this wicked person?

How does the writer describe God and his actions on behalf of victims (v. 12, 14-18)?

The psalm begins with a seemingly absent God, but ends with God acting decisively. Which of these perspectives do you have toward God right now? Why?

Prayer Focus: Pray confidently for God to respond to your current needs and pains

Family Devotional: Read verses 12-18. How does God respond to wicked people? How does he defend his own children? How has he defended your family?

(Tuesday) Psalm 13: Praying our Self-Doubt

What are the author’s doubts (v. 1)? What are his reasons for sorrow (v. 2)?

What kind of relationship with God does the writer reveal?

How is it possible to doubt (v. 1) and trust (v. 5) at the same time?

How often do you express your doubts to God? How can they be transformed by trust?

Prayer Focus: Express doubt and confidence to God

Family Devotional: Read verses 1-6. Have you ever felt like God was hiding his face from you? Why? Why can we trust God even when it seems like he’s nowhere around?

(Wednesday) Psalm 18: Praying for Justice

What does God to to enemies (v. 7-15)? What does he do to help David (v.16-19)? Why (v. 20-24)?

What was David’s part in securing this victory in cooperation with God (v. 25-29)?

How does the conclusion of this psalm (v. 46-50) compare with the beginning? What does this tell you about God the warrior?

Think about the fights God might be preparing you for. What equipping do you need? Where can God strengthen a particular weakness in you?

Prayer Focus: Trust God to fight evil and defeat his enemies. Praise him for the ways you’ve already seen him do this.

Family Devotional: Read verses 16-24. Have you ever felt like you were in “deep waters” in life? How does God respond during those times to people who are faithful to him?

(Thursday) Psalm 22: Praying over Anguish

This is the most quoted psalm in the New Testament, including the powerful words of Christ from the cross (Matthew 27:46). WHat were David and Jesus experiencing when they prayed this prayer (v. 1-2, 6-8)?

What are the psalmist’s attackers like (v. 12-18)? What does he pray for (v. 11, 19-21)?

Who joins him in praise (v. 23, 26-31)? Why?

What kind of violent scenes does the psalmist describe? How are they metaphors for conflict in your own life? How should you respond to them?

Prayer Focus: Honestly pour out your anguish to God, trusting him to deliver you even thought it might seem he has abandoned you.

Family Devotional: Read verses 19-24. What are some ways you need God to protect or deliver your family? How should you respond when he does?

(Friday) Psalm 24: Praying our Ascension

What kind of person may enter the Lord’s sanctuary (v. 3-6)? How does God make us clean and pure?

Who is this “King of glory,” and how is he described?

What has he done as the Lord of creation (v. 1) and God of Jacob (v. 6)?

What steps in preparation for worship does this psalm suggest?

Prayer Focus: Ask God to make you clean and pure in order to worship him

Family Devotional: Read verses 3-6. Does anyone really have clean hands and a pure heart? So how is it possible for us to approach God? What will we receive from God?