Finally, a Twitterer Worth Following

I check in on a few Twitterers every month or so. After reading a few “Eating loco moco – SO ONO!” posts, that’s enough for me. But at long last, we have a Twitter feed worth following every day: John Piper.

His M.O. is to post provocative verses from Scripture with the most important words blanked out, forcing you to scramble for your Bible to find the answer. Examples from the last few days:

  • Safe. So risk. “We have been predestined according to the purpose of him who works __ ____ according to the counsel of his will” (Eph 1:11).
  • Raising a hellion. “Adonijah exalted himself: I will be king.” His father had never ___ him asking, “Why have you done this?” (1Kings 1:5f).
  • The beginning of each letter of Paul includes, “Grace __ you.” But the end of every letter includes, “Grace be ___ you.” Why the difference?

Follow him here: JohnPiper on Twitter