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(Monday) Isaiah 53: Wounded Healer

How do verses 4-6 explain the servant’s sufferings? How did the servant conduct himself in the midst of his suffering (v. 7-9)?

What will be the result of the servant’s suffering (v. 10-12)?

Compare 1 Peter 2:21-25 to Isaiah 53. What are the parallels?

Some call this chapter the “burning heart” of the Bible. How do you respond to this graphic description of how Christ suffered for you?

Prayer Focus: Praise Jesus for his suffering on your behalf

Family Devotional: Read verses 4-6. Jesus died to take the punishment for our sin. Why must sin be punished? What sins of yours did Jesus take on himself? What does it mean that we are healed by him?

(Tuesday) Isaiah 55: The End of it All

An amazing offer is extended in verses 1-5. Who is invited and what are the invited to?

A note of urgency is introduced in verses 6-7. How do theses verses outline the nature of true repentance?

What transformations do God’s thoughts and words achieve (v. 8-13)?

Our lives are short, and the opportunity to “seek the Lord” is limited. How do you need to seek him more this week?

Prayer Focus:  Seek the Lord’s grace, wisdom, and strength.

Family Devotional: Read verses 6-9. How can we seek the Lord in our family? What evil do we need to forsake? How can we praise God for his high glory more?

(Wednesday) Isaiah 61: The Coming Comforter and Judge

The ministry of Jesus will have two aspects in the last days (v. 1-3). What will they be?

How do verses 4-9 depict Zion’s transformed situation?

How are the two metaphors for righteousness in the song of verses 10-11 appropriate?

There is a strong emphasis on “righteousness” (v. 3, 10-11) and “justice” (v. 8). Does God’s justice comfort you or frighten you? Why?

Prayer Focus: Thank God for his power and justice

Family Devotional: Read verses 1-3. These verses describe Jesus. How does he give freedom to captives? How does he comfort those who mourn? How does he bring God’s vengeance?

(Thursday) Ezekiel 38: The Coming Judgment

What does God say about Gog and Magog (v. 1-4)? Compare this to Revelations 20:8-9.

How is Israel described at this time (v. 11, 14)? What happens to them (v. 15-16)?

What will God reveal about himself through these events (v. 19-23)?

What response does God intend us to have when reading accounts of his coming wrath?

Prayer Focus: Confess sin and thank God for his grace, which removes wrath from his children

Family Devotional: Read verses 14-16. What does it mean to be holy? God can show how holy he is, even by using an unholy nation like Gog. How is that possible? How can God use unholy people like us?

(Friday) Zechariah 14: The Day of the Lord

Verses 1-15 describe the final battle against Jerusalem (see also 12:1-9). Why do you think the Lord allows the city to be plundered before he intervenes (v. 1-2)?

When the Lord returns to the Mount of Olives, what dramatic events will occur (v. 3-11)?

How will the Divine Warrior destroy the nations that come against Jerusalem (v. 12-15)? In what ways will Jerusalem become the geographic and religious center of the earth (v. 9-21)?

Worship and celebration will be the central events of life on earth after the Lord’s return (v. 16). To what extent do these activities characterize your life on earth right now?

Prayer Focus: Worship the Lord for being “king over all the earth.”

Family Devotional: Read verses 20-22. This describes life at the end of the age. What would life be like if everyone worshiped God, and there were no evil people in the world?