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(Monday) Job 1-2: Is God Unfair?
What indications are there that Job’s righteousness was not directly related to his being blessed with material prosperity (1:1-8)?
Why would God agree to allow Job to be tested? What about himself would he prove?
How does Job react to the first test (1:20-22)? The second test (2:7-10)?
Read Romans 8:28-29. Why does God allow suffering in our lives?
Prayer Focus: Ask God for the ability to accept both good and trouble from him.
Family Devotional: Read 2:1-10. Sometimes God allows bad things to happen to us to make us more holy. How did Job respond? How did his wife respond? How hard is it for you to accept trouble from God?
(Tuesday) Job 38: God Speaks to Job
God is responding to Job’s defense of himself in chapters 26-31, where he declared his righteousness. Why does God list so many things that Job cannot do?
What kinds of things are under God’s control?
What effect will all these questions have on Job’s view of God and himself?
What if God responded to your every complaint the same way? How would that change things?
Prayer Focus: Praise God for his glory, power, and compassion (v. 41)
Family Devotional: Read verses 34-41. How does God show his strength and power in this passage? His compassion? How does he show these things in your family’s life?
(Wednesday) Job 42: Happy Ending
What words does Job use to describe his direct experience of God (v. 1-6)? What does Job now know about God and himself?
How do you think Job would now answer the question, “Why are you suffering?” How would you?
Does Job’s material success at the end of the story constitute a promise for us? Why or why not?
How should we view gain and loss, in light of Job’s experience?
Prayer Focus: Repent for the times you have complained against God (v. 5-6)
Family Devotional: Read verses 1-6. What does Job say about God’s power and control? What is Job’s response to this truth (v. 6)? How should we imitate Job?
(Thursday) Isaiah 40: Who’s in Charge?
A tender voice speaks to God’s people in verses 1 and 2. Contrast the affirmation here with the second voice raised in verses 6-8.
In what different ways is the incomparable greatness of God affirmed by the questions and statements in verses 12-17 and 21-26?
How does the prophet answer Israel’s complaint in verse 27?
In what way is the truth of verses 3-5 an encouragement to you? In what way is it a warning?
Prayer Focus: Make verses 28-31 your prayer.
Family Devotional: Read verses 27-31. Do you ever feel like God is ignoring you? How does Isaiah answer that idea? How can he give strength to the weary?
(Friday) Isaiah 52: The Suffering Servant
What is the Lord going to do to save his people (v. 10)?
How do we know God is talking about the Messiah (v. 13)?
What reaction do many people have to the servant (v. 14-15)?
In what way has the Messiah “sprinkled many nations” (v. 15)? In what way has he sprinkled you?
Prayer Focus: Lift up and exalt the Messiah who suffered for you.
Family Devotional: Read verse 7. How can your family proclaim peace and salvation to the people God has put in your lives?