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(Monday) Zechariah 8: Raising Sights

What effects will the Lord have on Jerusalem and its inhabitants when he returns (v. 1-8)?

How will the future days be different from the former days for the inhabitants of the city (v. 9-13)?

How should God’s graciousness affect his people morally and spiritually (v. 14-19)?

The promises of verse 20-23 have yet to be fulfilled. What should we be looking forward to?

Prayer Focus: Praise God for his constant presence with us through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 3:14-19)

Family Devotional: Read verses 14-17. When God gives us love and mercy, he expects us to respond by acting a certain way. According to these verses, what should we be doing?

(Tuesday) Nehemiah 2: A Man for All Seasons

If you haven’t read Nehemiah in a while, read chapter 1. What does he do that leads to the well-thought-out plan he proposes in 2:1-9?

What evidence of thoroughness do you find in verses 11-16? Why is Nehemiah so confident (v. 17-20)?

What makes it reasonable for Nehemiah to be so hard-line with the officials (v. 18-20)?

Would you be able to say “the hand of my God is upon me” (v. 18) in the things you do?

Prayer Focus: Courage to follow God in big things where there might be opposition

Family Devotional: Read verses 1-5. When is it OK to be sad, like Nehemiah was? What did Nehemiah do about it? What should we do?

(Wednesday) Nehemiah 8: Mourning into Joy

What statements show the reverence of the people as they receive the Word of God (v. 3-12)?

What’s the difference between the first assembly (v. 2-3) and the second (v. 13)?

Verse 17 says the people had great joy. What was the reason for this?

How much joy does obedience to God’s word bring you? Why?

Prayer Focus: Celebrate God’s provision, especially of his word.

Family Devotional: Read verses 13-17. During this holiday, the Feast of Booths, the Israelites lived in tents for 7 days to remember the years when they wandered in the wilderness.  This inspired them to praise God for giving them a home in Israel. What can you thank God for? How would you act it out to help remember?

(Thursday) Esther 4: A Race‘s Survival

Describe Mordecai’s response in verses 1-3 to the plot to kill all the Jews. What plan did he come up with (v. 6-8)? Why was he so confident in his plan?

What is Esther’s first reaction (v. 9-11)? How does Mordecai persuade her (v. 12-14)?

How do we see God’s sovereignty and human responsibility working together in this chapter?

Is there any situation you’re facing where doing God’s will entails some level of risk? How can you respond similarly to Mordecai and Esther?

Prayer Focus: Ask God for a heart ready to do his will, no matter the risk.

Family Devotional: Read verses 7-14. How did God put Queen Esther in exactly the right place to save her people? What kind of places of has God put your family to influence others? How can you respond?

(Friday) Malachi 2: Low-grade Disappointment

After the Jews returned to Israel, they became unfaithful again. What had they done (v. 1-9)?

How did their actions offend God (v. 10-16)?

God uses the pictures of marriage and divorce to describe his relationship with his people. How are they apt metaphors?

The people of Judah went through the motions of worship, but their hearts were far from God. How do you exhibit the same tendencies?

Prayer Focus: Confess attitudes and actions that you know are offensive to God.

Family Devotional: Read verses 7-9. Since we are all called to be priests (1 Peter 2:9), what are our responsibilities according to Malachi? How might God discipline us if we fail to do this?