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(Monday) Jeremiah 31: Israel’s Future

What reasons does God give for restoring Israel (v. 3,9,20)?

What change of heart will Israel experience concerning their sin (v. 9, 18-19)?

How will the new covenant be different from the old (v. 31-34)? How long will God’s blessings last (v. 35-37)?

In what ways do you need to be restored to God?

Prayer Focus: Ask God to write his law more indelibly on your heart

Family Devotional: Read verse 33. What does it mean to have God’s law written on your heart? How does that make you one of God’s people?

(Tuesday) Jeremiah 38: Prophet’s Perils

As Judah is besieged by Babylon, what is the attitude of the king’s officials (v. 4-6, 27-28)? Of the king? (v. 5, 14-26)?

How does Jeremiah’s experience in the well mirror the experience of the king (v. 22-23)?

What personal and political reasons does Jeremiah give for Zedekiah to surrender (v. 14-23)?

Is there a situation in your life where God might be calling you to surrender your strength, pride, etc.?

Prayer Focus: Specifically surrender those things in your life to God.

Family Devotional: Read verses 4-13. Sometimes following God means others will mistreat us. How should respond in times like those?

(Wednesday) Habakkuk 1: Debating God

What is Habakkuk’s complaint to God (v. 2-4)?

What is amazing about the Lord’s answer (v. 5-11)?

How does Habakkuk respond (v. 12-17)?

Do you ever feel like God doesn’t care about injustice in your life or in the world around you? How does this passage affect those feelings?

Prayer Focus: Follow Habakkuk’s model and talk openly with God about injustice you see

Family Devotional: Read verse 12. God has promised he will discipline Israel by allowing Babylon to conquer it. Why does God discipline his people? What good does he hope will come out of it?

(Thursday) Lamentations 3: Poet In Shock

Why does the author feel so hopeless (v. 1-18)?

Why does his hopelessness turn to hope (v. 19-24)?

How does the author’s prayer relate to his suffering (v. 40-66?)

What aspects of God’s character turn your hopelessness into hope?

Prayer Focus: Praise God for the hope he brings through specific attributes you appreciate about him.

Family Devotional: Read verse 19-24. What are some difficulties you have faced in life? How has God shown his mercy and love in new ways during those times?

(Friday) Obadiah: No Room to Gloat

Israel’s neighbor Edom (the descendants of Esau) took advantage of Jerusalem’s destruction. How did God respond?

What was Edom’s attitude toward the future (v. 3-4)? Why would they be destroyed (v. 10-14)?

How would God’s justice be carried out (v. 15-21?)

When have you been tempted to gloat over someone’s downfall? Why should we show sympathy and compassion instead?

Prayer Focus: Confess feelings of pride and superiority compared to others.

Family Devotional: Read verses 12-15. Has there ever been a time when you enjoyed watching someone else suffer? Why is this wrong? What will happen to all of us?