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(Monday) 2 Samuel 6: King of Passion
Uzziah’s act of taking the ark seems well-intentioned (v. 6), so why did the Lord’s anger burn against him (6:17, also see 1 Chronicles 15:11-15)?
Although the Lord had struck down Uzziah, he blessed the family of Obed-Edom (v. 10-11). What is the Lord revealing about himself through these events?
David’s response to these events is both anger and fear toward the Lord (v. 8-9). Evaluate his emotions.
How does this chapter help you to understand God’s holiness?
Prayer Focus: Pray for a greater sense of God’s holiness, to influence your own.
Family Devotional: Read 2 Samuel 6:1-7. Why is the “ark of God” so important”? Why did Uzzah die after touching the ark of God? How does God discipline us when we don’t obey His commandments in our life?
(Tuesday) 1 Chronicles 17: God’s House
How did God use Nathan to intervene in David’s plans (v. 2-6)?
What did the Lord promise David (v. 7-14)?
David could have responded with prideful anger. Instead, how did David respond (v. 16-27)?
How do you respond when you don’t get what you want or expected in life?
Prayer Focus: Praise God for his wisdom in not giving you everything you ask for.
Family Devotional: Read 1 Chronicles 17:1-6. What was God asking Nathan to tell David? Who does God use in your life to give you wisdom and help?
(Wednesday) Psalm 103: The Goodness of God
Note the first and last sentences. How do these bookends affect your view of the rest of the psalm?
Salvation is more complex than a sinners’ prayer. What five actions of God add up to salvation (v. 3-5)?
What astounding statements does David make about God in verse 8-14? How does he portray the difference between us (v. 15-16) and God (v. 17-19)?
In response to this psalm, how should your view of God be expanded?
Prayer Focus: Add your personal praise to the praise in this psalm.
Family Devotional: Read Psalm 103:11-12. What does it mean to fear the Lord? What does it mean that the Lord has “great steadfast love” for you?
(Thursday) 2 Samuel 11: Adultery and Murder
Sin begins with a series of temptations. What steps led to David’s sin (v. 1-5)?
At each stage of his temptation, what might David have done to keep from taking the next step?
How does David’s sin affect the people around him?
Why are we tempted to cover up our sins rather than confess them? How is this a warning to you?
Prayer Focus: Pray for strength to withstand temptation, and to confess it when you fall.
Family Devotional: Read 2 Samuel 11:2-4. In what ways did David sin? In what ways do you struggle with sin?
(Friday) 2 Samuel 12: Caught in the Act
How is God’s mercy and justice revealed in his decision about David’s sin (v. 10-14)?
How does David respond to the news that his child is ill (v. 15-17)?
After the child dies, how is God’s grace again evident in David’s life (v. 23-25)?
Read Hebrews 12:11. In what ways has God’s painful discipline been beneficial to you?
Prayer Focus: Ask God for openness to his discipline.
Family Devotional: Read 2 Samuel 12:13-15. How does God punish David for his sin? In what ways does God discipline you for your acts of sin?