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(Monday) Joshua 2: New Spies, New Spirit
What does Rahab know and believe about the God of Israel (2:8-11)?
What conditions must she and her family fulfill in order to be saved (2:17-21)?
Why must a genuine faith express itself in actions?
What actions have you taken recently as a direct result of your faith in Christ?
Prayer Focus: Readiness to take the risks faith requires
Family Devotional: Read Joshua 2:1-7. What did Rahab do for the two men? Why did she do that? Do you think she believed in God?
(Tuesday) Joshua 6: Strange Tactics
In what ways do the Lord’s instructions for the conquest of Jericho seem strange (6:1-5)?
What lessons was God teaching the Israelites during their seven days of marching (6:6-16)?
Why didn’t God allow the Israelites to keep any of the spoils of war (6:19, 24)?
How is our spiritual warfare today similar to/different from Israel’s (see 2Cor 10:3-5)?
Prayer Focus: Complete dependence on God during spiritual battles
Family Devotional: Read Joshua 6:22-25. Why was Rahab and her families’ lives spared from being killed? Did God and the two men who were spies keep their promise? Does God always keep His promises to you?
(Wednesday) Joshua 7: Slow Learners
What are Joshua’s concerns after this defeat (7:6-9)?
How do God’s concerns differ from Joshua’s (7:10-15)?
Joshua urged Achan to give glory to the Lord by admitting his crime (7:19). How does confession of sin glorify God?
Thirty-six Israelite warriors died because of Achan’s sin. How might your sin affect others?
Prayer Focus: Confession of sin, focusing on its effects on the people around you
Family Devotional: Joshua 7:19-21. How had Joshua’s son, Achan, sinned against God? Do you tell the truth when you sin against God?
(Thursday) Joshua 24: Home at Last
Why do you think the Lord recounts Israel’s history from beginning to end (24:1-13)?
Joshua and the Israelites repeat the word serve thirteen times in verse 14-27. Why is this a good word to describe our duty to God?
Why doesn’t Joshua accept the Israelites’ first pledge to serve the Lord (v. 19)?
In what ways is serving the Lord difficult for you?
Prayer Focus: Courage to rise to Joshua’s command and obey God more fully
Family Devotional: Read Joshua 24:14. What does it mean to serve the Lord our God? How have you served God today?
(Friday) Judges 6: Unlikely Leader
Compare the words of God to the words of Gideon in verses 7-15. How did Gideon’s view of the problem and its solution differ from God’s?
God’s first command to Gideon was to tear down his father’s altar to Baal (6:25-27). How did Gideon’s obedience differ from God’s intention?
How could true obedience have made an even greater impact on Gideon’s family and community (6:28-30)?
If God can use fearful, disobedient people like Gideon, how might he use you?
Prayer Focus: Thanks for God’s power to use fallen people like us
Family Devotional: Judges 6:7-15. Gideon wasn’t acting like a mighty warrior, but that’s what God called him. If God called you something he wants you to be, what would it be?