I finally got around to seeing Expelled, Ben Stein’s look at the irrational disgust toward Intelligent Design that’s held by most scientists. Some of the film was a little too manipulative for my taste, but there was no need to manipulate the wacky things coming directly out of the mouth of professional atheist Richard Dawkins:
Somebody’s going to need to explain to me how it’s more likely that we were designed by highly-evolved aliens than the possibility that we were created by God. No, seriously. I just can’t wrap my brain around that.
I think Dawkins is unintentionally revealing an aversion to the implications of the existence of an all-powerful Creator God (like the fact that we’re accountable to him), which short-circuits a ruthless pursuit of the naked truth, whatever that turns out to be.
But then again, he might be right. I’ve always felt a strange connection to Chewbacca.