ESV Study Bible Released

I’m cautiously optimistic about the new ESV Study Bible. For some people, Study Bibles offer greater motivation to regularly dig into God’s Word, as they offer convenient insights into difficult passages. For others, Study Bibles become an excuse not to study God’s Word, as they make it too easy to study the convenient notes under the text instead of the text itself.

If you think you can resist that temptation, then this is probably the best study Bible you’ll be able to find. It uses the ESV text, which I’ve grown to love for its balance between accuracy and readability. It adds the wisdom of 100 of the world’s best biblical scholars. And it’s shipping now at 40% off from Westminster Books, where you can get a variety of editions and view PDF excerpts like the Book of Jonah.

UPDATE: Westminster won’t ship to Hawaii, but you can pre-order through Amazon for shipping on October 15.

If you can’t resist the temptation, a better option might be the excellent NIV Quiet Time Bible from InterVarsity Press. It simply asks questions about the text that lead you to the same answers study notes would give, except you arrive there through your own study. It’s not in print anymore, but you can always find used hardback and paperback copies on Amazon.