Is science getting closer to Christianity?

Many people assume that science and Christianity are mortal enemies (or at least should be separated into distinct realms of knowledge, since one is completely “objective” and the other completely “subjective”). But if all truth is God’s truth, science and Christianity should be perfectly compatible and complementary. That’s what our resident physicist (every church should have one!) Peter Gorham explained in an excellent message a few months ago.

As science discovers more about our world, it should confirm more of what the Bible says. Archaeology is a prime example. A hundred years ago most archaeologists assumed that the Bible was mostly myth and legend because many biblical places and names could not be found anywhere in the historical record outside the Bible. The classic argument from silence. But since then, each new archaeological discovery has only confirmed the history in the Bible, never disproved it.

One of the latest talks from shows how other scientific discoveries might be heading along the same path. Geneticist Spencer Wells is building a family tree for all of humanity. His findings show that humans cannot trace their lineage back millions of years, as many researchers had assumed. Instead, we all have one common ancestor who lived less than 60,000 years ago.

We’re getting closer and closer.