Get a seminary education for free

At least once a week I find something free on the Internet that makes me say “wow” out loud. Just yesterday, I found a free online edition of the Keil & Delitzsch Old Testament commentaries (part of the e-Sword program) that cost me $200 ten years ago.

What’s most amazing to me is the steadily expanding number of free courses online taught by well-respected scholars. I’m a big fan of, where you can download MP3’s and course handouts from all kinds of seminary-level classes. Gordon-Conwell Seminary offers ten full classes for free.

Now with the growth of iTunesU, more and more schools are putting their curriculum online for easy download straight onto your iPod. Reformed Theological Seminary has made it possible for you to do a complete seminary program for free (iTunes required). Instead of listening to music or talk radio on your way to work, why not listen to a few classes? You won’t get a fancy seminary diploma to hang on your wall (and obviously you won’t get any of the personal interaction that’s so invaluable in training for ministry), but you’ll be on your way to being thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3).