From the chilling story of a young girl kidnapped by the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda:
The killings, the abductions, the lootings—I saw it. I spent one month in Uganda, then walked to Sudan. We had to march in a line. If you diverted from the line, you were dead. They killed so many children who tried to escape. The youngest was seven. He cried for his mother, then they killed him. Either they would kill them by beating them with big sticks, or by bayonet. Other times—it’s very hard to say—they would cut the head with an axe.
There was one commander who, if he was not killing someone, was not happy. When he was killing someone, he was happy. People would start crying that they wanted to kill someone. One 18-year-old boy came out of the line crying that he wanted to kill someone. This boy—they would give him 10 children. He’d say he was taking them for a bath. He’d kill five, and only five would come back.
Keep praying for this heartbreaking situation: the six-month cease-fire between the Ugandan military and the LRA ends tomorrow.