10 Redeeming Films of 2006

joyeuxnoel-dvd.jpgtsotsi-dvd.jpgchildrenofmen-dvd.jpgThe critics at Christianity Today have compiled their list of the ten most redeeming films of the past year. Here’s how they define “redeeming:”

They’re all stories of redemption—sometimes blatantly, sometimes less so. Several of them literally have a character that represents a redeemer; one even includes the Redeemer. With others, you might have to look a bit harder for the redemptive thread, but it’s certainly there. Some are “feel-good” movies that leave a smile on your face; some might leave you uncomfortable, even disturbed, and asking, “How should I process that?” But you won’t be able to shake it from your memory, either.

Three of my favorite movies from the past year made it on to their list: Children of Men, Tsotsi, and Joyeux Noel. All three films give glimpses of hope in the midst of the chaos of life, and all three should be in your Netflix Queue.

See the whole list here.