Prayer as a Wrestling Match

yancey_thumbnail.jpgFrom Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?, by Philip Yancey:

The church I attend reserves a brief time in which people in the pews can voice aloud their prayers. Over the years, I have heard hundreds of these prayers, and with very few exceptions, the word polite applies. One, however, stands out in my memory because of its raw emotion.

In a clear but wavering voice, a young woman began with the words, “God, I hated you after the rape! How could you let this happen to me?” The congregation abruptly fell silent. No more rustling of papers or shifting in seats. “And I hated the people in this church who tried to comfort me. I didn’t want comfort. I wanted revenge. I wanted to hurt back. I thank you, God, that you didn’t give up on me, and neither did some of these people. You kept after me, and I come back to you now and ask that you heal the scars in my soul.”

Of all the prayers I have heard in church, this one most resembles the style of testy prayers I find replete in the Bible, especially those from God’s favorites such as Abraham and Moses.