Hands Off

102274_7213-sm.jpgIn our small-group study of Song of Solomon, we’ve been watching a couple go through the godly progression of a romantic relationship: from dating to commitment to marriage to sex. Our modern culture has reversed this progression, and here’s the proof. According to a Times article, many young people now engage in kissing and sex before they hold hands because they’re afraid of the commitment that handholding signifies:

“It is a lot more intimate to hold hands nowadays than to kiss,” said Joel Kershner, 23. Because of that, he said, reaching for someone’s hand these days has more potential for rejection than leaning in for a smooch at a party where alcohol is flowing.

Libby Tyler, 20, said it was “weird that hand-holding is more serious,” but true. “It’s something that you lead up to,” she said.

There is nothing casual about it any more, said Rachel Peters, 22. “Hand-holding is something that usually people do once they’ve confirmed they’re a couple,” she said.