Part-Time Ministry Position
Childrens Ministry Director

Harbor is a brand new church-plant in Hawaii Kai, meeting Sunday evenings at Koko Head Elementary School. God has blessed us with a growing number of keiki, and we’re praying for God to provide someone to help us expand our ministry to kids and their families.

Qualifications include a deep love for Jesus evidenced by a love for kids and their parents, personal initiative to spot problems or opportunities and act on them, flexibility to experiment and adapt in a fluid ministry environment, and a collaborative spirit to work in an interdependent ministry team. Duties include ministering relationally to kids and their families, dreaming up meaningful and fun keiki programs, and creatively recruiting volunteers.

You can expect to work about 10 hours a week, and we’ll pay $500 a month and up depending on experience.

For more info, please contact Matt Dirks (office: 447-9269, email: [email protected]). For more about the church, visit