Random Chance?

dice.jpgSermon Passage: Genesis 40-41
Tony Kawaguchi

The world would like you to believe that everything is random. The coffee that burns your mouth, the rain that ruins your plans, the parking ticket you got.

Jesus said that not even a single sparrow dies without God knowing about it. Concerning his children, he says that the hairs on our head are even numbered.

Is God as concerned with the little things in our life as he is about major events in the world? The reality is that those little things are more important to our daily walk with God than anything you’ll see on CNN.

While a lot of things that happen to us don’t make sense, it’s comforting to know that our father in heaven is carefully crafting his redemtpive plan in our lives and in the universe.

When we’re aware of God’s sovereignty in our daily routine, we can have a more spiritual mindset about everything we do. Is he planning to use me right now? what is he doing through what just happened 30 seconds ago? What does he want me to think about the person who just cut me off on H1?

How comforting and humbling to know that the God of the universe is lovingly watching over my life and helping me through my trials.

Now, what is he trying to tell you through this message?