Are You a City of Refuge?

WatchtowerSermon Passage: Joshua 20:1-9
Owen Tanoue

Pastor Owen challenged us to think of ourselves as cities of refuge that God has strategically placed in our offices, schools, and social circles, just like the cities of refuge God established in Old Testament Israel. The names of these cities were specifically chosen to reflect the role God wanted them to play. As you read through these descriptions, ask yourself if you exhibit these same qualities to the people God has put in your life.

Kedesh (“sanctuary”) – Do people feel safe turning to you to in time of need?

Shechem (“shoulder”) – Do you offer strength for people to lean on?

Hebron (“fellowship”) – Do you connect people in need to others who can help?

Bezer (“fortified”) – Are you fortified against temptation and sin?

Ramoth (“high tower”) – Do you stand tall as a representative of Christ?

Golan (“rejoice”) – Are you known for your joy in life?