Purposeful Prayer

by Apr 3, 2006

HeadBowed-sm.jpg Sermon Passage: Colossians 1:9-11
Tony Kawaguchi

“I’ll be praying for you.” These are words we toss around like an old throw pillow, but think about the impact our church could have on this world if we all prayed for each other a few hours a week.

I’m convinced if we all prayed a lot more, many of our problems would either be taken care of or seem so small that we wouldn’t care about them anymore. So think about who you could pray for today and consider taking a few minutes to do it now.

Here are some ideas: Pray for God to give wisdom and strength. Pray for people to be thankful and full of joy, to be used in powerful ways to bring people to Christ.

Also, please pray for us – Matt and Tony. Pray that God will protect us from the enemy and from our own flesh. Ask God to give us wisdom in how we lead the church and how we live.

“We have not ceased to pray for you.” Col 1:9.